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Choosing the right photographer for the job – Catwalk Photography

Click for Gallery of Philip Treacy Spring Summer 2013 catwalk show at London Fashion Week

Photographer Rob Sheppard, owner at photo agency Catwalk Capture, has posted an article on the agency’s blog highlighting the reasons for hiring a specialist photographer to cover your catwalk event.
‘A common mistake amongst fashion designers, PR agents and other organisers of fashion shows is to use a “general” fashion photographer to shoot their event, maybe the excellent studio photographer who produced their look-book or advertising shots. Unfortunately unless they are sure their photographer has experience of shooting a catwalk show, they are likely to be disappointed by the results.’… ‘The mistake that almost all first-time catwalk shooters make is to underestimate speed of the show…’
Read the full article here: Why you need a specialist catwalk photographer for your fashion show