You could not spend a better hour on a Wednesday morning than right in the heart of London at the Getty Images HQ where PAN was invited to see how the agency delivered the Paris games content to news outlets and their commercial clients and partners.
They were busy, in control and really enjoying the flood of fantastic images coming in at an almost-live time of 26 seconds from the event photographers!
Thanks to Laurence Griffiths, (Director of Sports Content, Editing and Talent Development) who’s task it was to run the agency’s Olympic Games editing operation, who toured me through the different photo editing desks – the aquatics was the most fascinating from a news and creative aspect, the editing team were searching out the most creative images from the two underwater robotic cameras – as below photo …tricky ones to caption – Great work!
Another creative use of the editing process I picked up on was a new project called ‘Parisienne Projections’ (see the photos below) – Laurence explained this was the use of projecting specific images on buildings across Paris, it was experimental so they first tried one or two to convince the Olympics and Paris of the medium …it was well received and Paris was lit up with images straight from the Games!
Below are a couple of examples of images-on-location from the Parisienne Projections.
Here’s the Getty Images photo operation team stats at the Paris Olympics 2024:
60 editorial photographers to capture live coverage of all 38 Olympic venues across Metropolitan France and Tahiti (for surfing).
· 24 commercial photographers capturing content for top sponsors and paid assignments.
· More than 40 editors stationed in London to live edit in real-time.
· 2 underwater robotic cameras and 15 regular robotic cameras that give access to new angles for various Olympic events.
· Over 10,000 photos per day were due to be uploaded to .
· More than 5 million images due to be taken by Getty Images photographers at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
Special thanks to Gill and Julia from Getty Images public relations team for the invite and arrangements!