Stock photography community Dreamstime has announced that its site is now accessible in an additional five new languages: Chinese, Greek, Polish, Russian and Swedish. Search here: Dreamstime…
Owen Bowcott, legal affairs correspondent at the reports : ‘The private lives of celebrities are of legitimate interest to the media, the European court of human rights (ECHR) has…
Go See: VII Gallery – The Family Alaska Photos At First Light NCAA Resign With Thought Equity…
iStockphoto have announced a new app that lets anyone create fast, fun and free e-cards for use on Facebook. The company also released the results of an in-depth consumer study…
Corbis Images and AP have boosted their recent relationship by announcing a month-long Facebook showcase of images from the collaboration between the two companies, entitled “Perceptions.” The social media photo…
Pro sports photographer Asanka Brendon Ratnayake contacted concerned about spotting his recent 2012 Australian Tennis Open images on a public Picasa web album. Asanka shoots for sports agency Icon…
RF photo agency Shutterstock are online with a Valentines lightbox here…
Bit of a plug here – BUT, was visited by 1000 industry people in one day this week – that’s a record for the site! Daily visits have been…
Animal Photography image library, specialising in pictures of Cats, Dogs and Horses are online with a Breed Feature a gallery featuring a rare hairless breed called the Sphynx. Look and…
Busy Berline based image licensing agency Favorite Picture have launched the new year with a massive new collection of beauty pictures. They say: ‘Our international photographers, along with photographers from…
Picture desks using the media search platform i-Picturemaxx in the UK and Germany can now access an immediate photo & video feed from celebrity photo agencies Optic Photos and Pacific…
Photo media services company K&R Media are online with an updated website. K&R Media specialises in photo production, picture researche, holiday or other temporary replacements, text and story inquiries, approval…
UK based exclusive rights managed travel picture library 4Corners Images are online with a new London images gallery. They say: As the eyes of the world focus on London for…
Sharon McTeir – Creative Publishing Services. ‘In 2005 I set up my own company offering design, typsetting and picture research services. I have worked for companies such as Hodder Education,…
New views at large-format rights managed photo agency Panoramic Images include Long and Skinny, Washington DC, New Photographers, Chicago Views…. Explore and license here.…
Hannah Hess (photo above), 44, has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the european pressphoto agency epa. She will be taking over from current Editor-in-Chief Cengiz Seren, 58, in the spring. Cengiz…
UK base photo library Topfoto are online with a gallery package of historic world events in pictures : March 1962 – this gallery is part of their ongoing feature ’50…
UK photo agency Photoshot has launched an interesting photo packed blog called: Photoshot Live – Features include: Showbiz, Bizarre News, Music, Style and an Upcoming Coverage diary.…