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fotofringe Winner: StockFood canvas print

Thank you for coming to fotoFringe on Wednesday and visiting us at the StockFood table. As promised, we’ve selected one business card at random and the lucky winner will receive a free canvas print. With over 500,000 images on to chose from, this is a great chance to add…

Skyscan releases new online map-based photo search facility

After five years development work, Skyscan have launched a new online map-based search facility to search for historic and modern oblique aerial photos of the UK by postcode. Library Manager Brenda Marks says ” There are many years of cataloguing still required to geocode every photograph but we currently have…

Alamy releases new improved forum for contributing photographers

Alamy are online today with a new forum for contributors as part of their continuous improvement strategy. They say: The new forum has a fresh interface, enhanced features and is encouraging positive engagement within its community of photographers. James Allsworth, social media manager, commented: “Our old forum had over 20,000…