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Spotted: Dave Shoots Tokyo spotted photographer Dave Powell on our Google+ feed – he is shooting Tokyo, talking about shooting Tokyo, selling prints of his shots of Tokyo and even sells T-Shirts with his website name on! – a great example of a full web based photo blog/business, and it looks like he…

Paul Melcher: iTune The Photo Licensing Industry

Photo business observer Paul Melcher writes: ‘iTune it’ ‘Just like the music industry, with which it shares many similarities, the photo licensing world is ripe to be iTuned.’ ‘The industry landscape is dispersed and confused. None of the photo licensing companies know what to do. From the Getty images to…

New Photo Agency Launches: Evolve Images

Mark Ippolito, CEO and co-founder of Evolve Images, discusses the guiding principals behind his new photo agency, including image curation, simplified licensing, and creating a sustainable stock photo ecosystem. Video and images copyright Evolve Images, LLC. Explore and license the images here:…

Homai Vyarawalla (1913 – 2012) ‘a truly gifted photojournalist’

India’s national magazine Frontline reports on the death of ‘a truly gifted photojournalist’ Homai Vyarawalla. ‘The year was 1993, when my friend Satish Sharma, an excellent photographer who is completely dedicated to photography, introduced me to a small, thin and almost wispy woman of 80. He, not given to panegyrics,…

PAN Report: BAPLA Meet With The IPO

Following the report we published on Jan 17th by contributor John Balean — Your Chance to Respond to UK Copyright: The Case for Change — John now reports on the meeting he attended last week organised by BAPLA with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) held at the Wellcome Trust…

Chinese New Year 2012 – Dragon Illustrations At MGL

UK based stock illustration agency MGL are celebrating the Chinese New Year 2012 – the year of the Dragon. They say: “MGL would like to remind you that we offer a large range of dragon imagery for all your needs. The MGL dragon collection features artwork from a number of…

CEPIC Congress 2012 Full Registration & Early Bird Deals Now Open

CEPIC registered 200 participants for it’s London Congress 2012 through it’s Christmas ticket offer. That offer is now closed and they have now released the full Congress ticket registration which has ‘early bird’ deals on tickets. The CEPIC Congress 2012 will be held in London from Tuesday 15th to Friday…

Latest Photo Biz Guide From Photoshelter Is Out

Photoshelter are out with a new guide: The Photographer’s Social Media Handbook They say: “The Photographer’s Social Media Handbook coaches you on social media best practices to enhance your marketing efforts and get you noticed by potential clients. Part I and Part II cover key tactics and strategies to take…

EPA Is At Camera Press – Includes Full Image Archive

UK based photo agency Camera Press has a new partnership with EPA (European Pressphoto Agency). Camera Press told this morning: “We will be representing EPA for non newspaper sales in the UK, selecting key images from EPA’s extensive daily output, featuring material from their network of staff photographers worldwide…

BAPLA Warns Members On Bogus ‘CEPIC London’ Ticket Offers

The British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies – BAPLA – have warned it’s photo library members of some rogue activity by third parties offering deals across this years CEPIC Congress in London. has seen one of these bogus offers (which have also been sent to picture libraries in…

New Image Library: Tracks Images – Major In Beatles Photos

Tracks Images is a brand new music photo licensing agency. The library has an archive of thousands of rare and unseen images of artists and bands and related music memorabilia now available to all types of media for licensing purposes put together by Tracks Limited a leading specialist in Beatles…

Getty Images ‘Streamlines’ iStock Operations – Staff Say Farewell

from As Getty Images finally absorbs iStockphoto (bought in 2006) into the Getty Images brand iStock creative staff say farewell and thanks on the forums: ‘For many months now the unification of Getty Images and iStock has been gaining speed. Learning from each other and streamlining our operations is…