Good work here from Getty Images who, this morning, sent an email to all contributors regarding safeguarding of images …

Good work here from Getty Images who, this morning, sent an email to all contributors regarding safeguarding of images …
You will be crucial to how we react to breaking news and will ensure we have the right people in the right places at the right time.…
Mary Evans Picture Library is looking for a new Head of IT and Digital to replace Mark Braund who is moving on after 25 years in the role.…
In the UK the National Union Of Journalists is ‘writing to Getty seeking urgent assurances that contributors via Shutterstock will be provided with an option to refuse permission for their images to be used as part of Getty’s AI generator function. In addition, the NUJ urges the companies involved to…
'..a roadmap for government to capture the opportunities of AI to enhance growth and productivity..'…
As hinted at on Jan 3rd – Reported: Shutterstock and Getty Images explore a merger – it’s been confirmed today! Getty Images and Shutterstock will merge to form a ‘Premier Visual Content Company’. • The combined company, which would have an enterprise value of approximately $3.7 billion will be named…
'...The idea of seeing her was overwhelming, but once I was with her, I felt at ease. We spent that time together taking pictures ...'…
The Wellcome Photography Prize, now open for entries, seeks visual stories of human experience, hope, and resilience across four core areas of focus – mental health, infectious disease, climate & health and discovery research…
As our experienced and process-oriented Photo Archive Officer you will help manage the flow and curation of photo and film content across WaterAid as we migrate to a new Digital Asset Management (DAM) system.…