DAM systems provider Capture have release a new version of their web-based media research tool – Capture Desk.
They say: dramatically speeds up the media research workflow, as well as providing valuable project and secure rights management tools. Benefits include the following:
• Collaborate over projects in real-time; record rights and usages; make selections; generate orders and permissions letters.
• Simple to use; nothing to install.
• Cross-browser ‘right click’ plug-in that allows low res images and accompanying metadata to flow in from other web sites
• Responsive design – will work on tablets, mobiles as well as computers.
• Multiple image upload from desktop
• Drag-and-drop functionality
On the upgrade Abbie Enock, CEO, Capture says: “We have really listened to our users, and this major release will be part of a rolling program of upgrades to realise the full potential of Capture Desk, and meet all the needs of our clients,”
There are five packages – Free, Bronze at £99, Silver at £129, Gold at £159 and Platinum for custom requirements for large organisations with many researchers.
Give it a go here – let PAN know how you get on here will@photoarchivenews.com