A new collaboration between stock photo libraries 500px and Shestock gives female photographers new distribution channels for showcasing women-centric images of everyday life.
They say: The images of everyday women are taken exclusively by Shestock’s female photographer base. The women-centric foundation helps equalize the representation of females in the photography industry.
“500px opens up new doors for the best talent across all photography segments,” said Evgeny Tchebotarev of 500px. “Female-centric images and women photographers previously have been under-represented in the creative world. Partnering with Shestock enables us to introduce authentic images of women that represent real life to the 50 million users in the 500px community.”
“We’re thrilled to work with 500px to breakdown stereotypes of women portrayed in typical stock photos,” said Karen Beard, Shestock founder. “The combination of the strong female-centric images from Shestock photographers with the engaged 500px community will help break down gender barriers across the photography, advertising and marketing industry.”
View and license the images here