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UPDATED: AGE Fotostock Bankrupt – Now closure confirmed

UPDATED 18 March 2024 – the agency site above finally confirms closure.

UPDATE 12 Feb 2024: AGE FOTOSTOCK SL went into insolvency on 5/2/2024. A notification order of ‘Voluntary bankruptcy’ was posted by Barcelona Commercial Court.

• Related on PAN: Jan 9 2024 – RIP Alfonso Gutierrez – age Fotostock founder
• View all agefotostock on PAN


  • Well then let’s hope that our 28 (!) open monthly invoices will be paid finally… Dr. Torsten Schröer, blickwinkel

  • Como fotógrafo colaborador de Age fotostock, espero que el administrador también se ponga en contacto conmigo.
    Porque ponerse en contacto con AGE desde hace meses es imposible.
    Mis condolencias. Pese a que algo no se esta haciendo correctamente, ni para la memoria del difunto ni para sus colaboradores.

  • He owes me money!
    He was the most dishonest agent I have ever worked with.
    What are the arrangements to have outstanding payments made?

  • Unfortunately Age Fotostock descended from being a once decent stock agency for many years to little more than a scam.
    The owner was seemingly unwilling to accept that his business model was no longer working, instead deciding to stop paying photographers their share from image sales. I assume he used this money to prop up his failing empire.
    All this from an individual who for years lectured his contributors (often in a sarcastic and extremely rude manor) on contractual obligations and procedures etc.
    I very much doubt any of us will see the money we are owed.

  • Interesting that going in to bankruptcy seems to have been an instruction by Alfonso pre-death. I wonder why? Perhaps hiding the shambles and incompetency that he demonstrated as ran the business into the ground. He was the worst CEO of all the stock agents, extraordinarily rude and bitter, always blaming others for his failings. Seems very suspicious that he didn’t pay many photographers invoices (he3 certainly never paid ANY of mine – they owe me around 2,000 euros) and then instructs that Age goes into bankruptcy on his death… Where did our money go?

  • Glad I escaped that agency years ago. I do not have kind words for the late Alfonso. He turned into a real con artist years ago and I saw right through him.
    Photographers, be sure to do image searches on your photos. I left AGE more than 10 years ago and he never removed my images from the MANY sub-agent sites around the world. Never got paid for any of those sales either.

    Good Luck photogs!

    Linda M

  • Interesting, I found AGE to be the most dishonest and latterly obtuse agency I had ever worked with. And as for Alfonso………….

    The agency closed owing me payments for several invoices, amounting to a significant 3 figure sum.

    My images were withdrawn from his agency a few years ago, but not until there had to be threats from me.

    There must be others who are owed money by this bankruptcy. I wonder how the liquidators will deal with that.

  • Pois eu estou nas mesmas, hai anos que non temos información, eu cobrei no 2023 unha pequena parte do que se debia, aínda hoxe teño unha chea de facturas sen cobrar e varias fotografías sen reportar (dixeronme en marzo que se porian en contacto conmigo pero de momento nada). Me da que non cobraremos polo noso traballo.

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