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At the photo libraries: Barbour at Mirrorpix archive | Harris at Topfoto | T Shirts at Mary Evans PL | Health at SuperStock

Watch (above – you may need to sign in to YouTube) the Barbour clothing company on a recent visit to the Mirrorpix archives in Watford, UK. The visit included a tour of the archive concentrating on showcasing photographs and news articles of Barbour over the years.

‘Having seen the archive, the team at Barbour are now brimming with ideas and exploring ways they can leverage the newly found images in the near future.’

From the film: John Mead, Head of Archives at Mirrorpix, hands image gold to Barbour staff …”I’ll have these back asap please”

Brian Harris pictured in 1986 just as the Indy (The Independent newspaper) was about to launch, pictured pointing at his byline credit on the huge billboard poster. BRIAN HARRIS / TOPFOTO

Topfoto has signed ex Independent newspaper photographer Brian Harris (photo above) for photo archive rights across his most important and best work.

Brian Harris joined the founding team of The Independent newspaper in 1986, a power move on their part to benefit from his stellar career at The Times, where he had begun by being made the youngest ever staff photographer at only 25 years old.

Mary Evans Picture Library collaboration with groovy online womenswear retailer Joanie continues to go from strength to strength with new designs recently added …and modelled by the ME library staff above! Tom wears ‘Ferroequinologist’ – for trainspotters everywhere and Jessica wears ‘Emmie‘ from an original WSPU badge in the March of the Women collection.

•Joanie will be donating £10 from any sale of this particular style to Emmeline’s Pantry, a Manchester-based charity food bank supporting women in need.

As the winter season kicks in and the colds and flue start hitting (PAN has had a bout in the office this week! ..atishoo ) we noticed a promo newsletter from photo library SuperStock who have curated a 170 image edit around healthcare and in particular compassionate care. …Great timing! – atishoo again ….

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