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Author Pictures at Lebrecht launches WW1 focus features from the image archive

Big effort and great exploration of the image collection here from the Author Pictures department at photo library Lebrecht who have started a series of mailings showcasing their material relating to World War I.
They say: “Over the course of the next four years, we will be adding more images to commemorate this world-changing centenary. World War I put the spotlight on an invention that had previously been regarded as a tool for pleasure and amusement. Photography was a relatively new art form at the beginning of the twentieth century. Daguerreotypes, the invention of Frenchman Louis Daguerre in the late 1830s took off in the 1840s. At around the same time across the British Channel William Henry Fox Talbot was perfecting his own process for taking and printing photographs. His discoveries were refined across the Atlantic by the American George Eastman, the founder of Eastman Kodak. In 1901, the launch of the low-cost, lightweight Kodak Brownie meant anyone could take a photograph. With the emphasis shifting from amusement to documentary uses, photography came into its own during World War One. ”
The first of the WW1 series called ‘Focus on Photography in World War I’ arrived in the PAN Inbox this week and features:
The camera in battle, Pictures as a propaganda tool

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