Staff news here from celebrity photo agency Backgrid who announced this morning that Kasey Drayton has now taken over as Head of Operations for Backgrid Australia. Kasey started her photo industry career with Big Pictures where she stayed for 15 years then joined Splash at Corbis and most recently worked in the Entertainment department at Getty Images.
And here’s where Kasey will be working after her daily run-commute to work at the brand new Sydney, Australia office …look out for Chester and Sully the Backgrid pooches!

Main office area …Chester the dog on standby

…Crashed out schnoodle Sully on the new dog bed!

Local art

We’re guessing this is the shower for those all night Celeb awards evening photo editing gigs

Rocking the post modern look

It’s a dogs life!
Smart stuff! – thanks Dan!
Like the decor!l – will whoever did it come over and sort my apartment out please?