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Call for content: Amazing Aerial – new website and expansion plans

Stock photo agency Amazing Aerial are open to new contributors for the first time in two years. …and they have a new website!

Owner Paul Prescott told PAN : ‘Hi Will, just wanted to let you know that I have launched a new website for aerial photographer contributors. After two years of not taking on new photographers, we are finally opening up to new talent again.

We want to widen our already impressive aerial collection. We currently have nearly 200 photographers in 65 countries with content from over 110 countries, with over 70,000 highly curated photos and videos.

With this talent expansion we are looking to have content from more countries, and also consolidate our collection with more localized content. We have a large gap in our portfolio for Africa and South America. So with this new launch, we are also hoping to bridge the north/south photographer divide.’

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