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Caption and location needed: Help identify 428 images – Aerofilms Collection

The Britain from Above project have completed the conservation, digitisation and cataloguing of the earliest 95,000 images in the Aerofilms Collection…
…all that’s left to do is identify the caption-less images
‘Since the website was launched in June 2012, we’ve uploaded 1528 unlocated images. Thanks to the hard work of our website users, 72% of these have been identified. However there are still a further 428 that need identifying. Some of these have only just been added to the website, but a few have been online since the website went live. Their locations have eluded our Cataloguing Team and our website users for over two years.’
​• Please note that once the project has finished you will still be able to contribute information to help identify the unlocated images. The three project partners will continue to update the data on the website to reflect newly identified images.