Almost six months on we have been back to the photo agencies who participated in our COVID-19: How’s the photo agency doing? reports to ask how are they doing NOW?
Here is an update from Graham Cross at photo agency Eyevine.

Hi Will,
Six months seem to have flown by and here we are almost in October and the new normal feels almost that. We are still primarily working from home offices which we have upgraded, although a couple of us started to return to the office a few days a week for a change of scene mostly. Of course that is now under review again given latest Government advice. All systems are go wherever we are based.
Business in the months since lockdown began has been very steady with the increase in licenses of archival celebrity shoots continuing. Photographers have started shooting posed portraiture again as access improves and our syndication sales of exclusive The Guardian & Observer shoots goes from strength to strength, hand in hand with The New York Times and The Evening Standard too.
News coverage by our own photographers as well as suppliers such as Xinhua, Polaris Images and Zuma Press has increased in volume with core stories such as the Covid-19 pandemic, BLM, US elections etc.
It’s important to stay in touch. Sales Director David Leverton says: “ I have been speaking with more clients since lockdown as they rediscover the old fashioned telephone. Perhaps it’s the need for human contact instead of technology. It’s interesting to hear how they are dealing with working from home and how they are coping without the traditional office environment. Some can’t wait to get back whilst others are not missing the commute. On the downside we are seeing a number of our old industry friends lose their staff jobs as more picture desks are consolidated in the editorial press. We wonder where our industry will be after another six months of the pandemic.”
As you know we held our AGM last week to sign off the company accounts and explore plans moving forwards. I am glad to report a year on year increase in sales turnover with the mix between UK and International sales remaining constant. We continue to look for new partners both here and abroad with whom we can work closely as we see the likely impact of the pandemic on our industry accelerate over the coming months. We remain in a strong position and are open to opportunities more than ever no matter what they might be.
Stay safe and thanks for keeping us all informed.
Graham Cross
• Here’s Eyevine’s April 2020 COVID report on PAN
• View all Eyevine on PAN