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COVID-19: How’s the photo agency doing? Grosby Group

Yes Rafael – we can see Sophie is the only one doing some real work here!

Here at PAN we are in communication all week long with photo agency owners, both stock and editorial, discussing how their business is under COVID-19.

This from Rafael Lanus at the Grosby Group home working in Barcelona.

Hi Will,
First and foremost, I hope you and your loved ones are well.
As every morning I read you site, and I’d like to congratulate you for the articles on the ‘how’s the agency doing’.

As with all, in Grosby Group, we are struggling with the uncertainties of the future.  Many of us have been working remotely for some time now, so this COVID-19 situation hasn’t changed so much for us. We do weekly meetings with the editorial team to create new fun, and constant content, recycling old stuff and combining it with more current stuff and breaking news.
We offer all our subscriptions clients and a la carte, photo and video galleries of both ever green and breaking news. For the lack of day to day celebrity material, we’ve switched to more feature stories, let’s say where are they staying during the quarantine, who’ll be celebrating his/her birthday, wedding anniversary while being confined, etc.
Using all our archive material for all the other areas like sports, news, features, travel, food, decoration we do the same, i.e. major sports events that have been cancelled and postponed. 
With our food and recipe service, which has grown a lot in the past year, we are re-editing daily to offer easy to do recipes with whatever you might have at home, and stuff like that.

Team work – Sophie sleeps while Rafael gets editing

Rafael has written a blog post about his time in isolation in Barcelona with his daughter Sophie – away from his wife who traveled to Italy to visit her sick father and found herself in lockdown there – HERE

• Read all COVID-19: How’s the photo agency doing on PAN

• Read all Grosby Groups on PAN

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