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Credit Watch: Pro Photog Spots Online Image Printed In Newspapers

Pro sports photographer Kari Kuukka, based in Porvoo, Finland has posted an article on his blog titled:
‘LA Times et al.: Do You Have to Suck the Sweat out of my Balls now that I am Dead?’
He tells the story of his friend and colleague photographer Matti Matikainen who wrote to him after spotting a few major newspapers had ripped off one of his images they found via the WWW…

…’My good friend and colleague Matti Matikainen called me up couple of hours ago and said:” Guess what? LA Times, Daily Mail, Tech Crunch etc. just crabbed my image from the net and printed it. Didn’t ask for permission, did not offer to pay for it, nothing… they just printed it.”…..
read his account here