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Eyevine lands London Evening Standard photo syndication deal – starts Feb 1

The London Evening Standard has chosen eyevine as their official photo syndication agency. From 1st February, photography commissioned by the LES, including many of the exceptional images appearing in the ES Magazine, will be available to republish on licence through agency.

↑ David Ofield at a recent fotofringe event – ©

David Ofield, the London Evening Standard Picture Editor says: “The Standard carries an exceptional array of photography whether in the newspaper, magazine or on the website. We are continually awed by the images our photographers create and are delighted to appoint a syndication agent capable of ensuring those images gain recognition and reward from audiences beyond our own.”
David Leverton, eyevine co-founder, states “Both the Evening Standard and eyevine are Londoners; it’s natural that the photography commissioned by the Evening Standard will be available to license throughout the world from eyevine; an agency that understands the angles and stories to be told and who is already working alongside many of the Evening Standard’s photographic contributors.”