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Fotofringe London 2012: Event Photos And First Feedback

Fotofringe London for picture editors | picture researchers | designers | creatives

“Exhibitors are reporting detailed and productive conversations with 40 or more visitors to their table during the day. Picture users who couldn’t make it – mostly down to some of the transport quirks yesterday! – have emailed asking for copies of the Directory to be posted to them, and my personal favourite moment was when one major publisher I talked to stressed their joy at finding plenty of image suppliers they were unaware and who have material they want. And on the Welcome Desk, every picture user said “see you next year” as they left.”
Flora Smith of TopFoto, creator & organiser of fotofringe

“It was terrific. I came because I wanted to meet libraries that I don’t normally deal with – and it worked! Fabulous and I’ll be back next year”
Tessa Hammond, Macmillan Education

“I really love it with no banners. A great experience and I’ll definitely be back next year. So useful!”
Sacha Lehrfreund, CPL

“It was fantastic, my first time here but I’m coming again next year and I’m telling everybody about it!”
Freelance Picture Researcher

Welcome desk – picture buyers picking up their badges

Special thanks to Fotofringe photographer Robert Piwko for all the above images

Click here for: Fotofringe London show directory

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fotofringe visitor Dagmar Seeland Picture Editor, Stern G+J

fotofringe visitor Kevin Brown, Freelance Picture Researcher

fotofringe visitor David Ofield, Picture Editor, London Evening Standard and new Chairman of Judges at the UK Picture Editors Guild Awards

fotofringe visitor: Alan Sparrow, Picture Editor, Metro and Chairman of the UK Picture Editors Guild enjoying a look around the event

fotofringe visitor Alyson Whalley – Freelance Picture Editor/ Art Buyer -UK

fotofringe visitor Tom Broadbent Picture Editor Bizarre magazine.

Click here for: Fotofringe London show directory

Click here to : Read all Fotofringe London news and promos

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