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From the photo archive: World’s largest process camera – 1938

This in from the picture researchers at UK photo library Topfoto : ‘Will, FYI just came across this, don’t suppose there are any pictures it produced hanging around.’

• Filename: EU054570_montage.jpg ← click to license.
• Caption: World’s largest process camera for colour work runs on rail track. Occupies two rooms, worked by electricity. A giant process camera for colour work, believed to be the world’s largest, has been installed in Cleveland, Ohio.
Costing £5000 in 1938, the camera is so large that it occupies two rooms. The ground glass screen for focusing is in one room and the rest of the camera in the other. The electrically operated Bellows run on a track wider than a standard gauge railway. The plate used is 5 ft.² and is placed in position by electricity. The camera Bellows measures 5 feet, 10 inches x 5 feet 6 inches, and can be expanded 20 feet. Even the lens weighs 25 pounds and is 8 inches long. Gravure screens used in the colour work measure 5’2″ by 4’2″ and have 150 lines to the square inch.
Credit: them before you use it