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Getty Images and Microsoft drop Bing image widget lawsuit – agree new image development partnership

An interesting move here from Getty Images and Microsoft who have dropped a lawsuit launched last year after sizing up over a controversial image widget on the Microsoft owned Bing search platform. Getty Images were after Microsoft over possible image copyright issues raised by a new image widget on Bing. …all court action has now been dismissed in favour of a partnership.
This from our GI contact: “As part of the partnership, Getty Images and Microsoft agreed to a joint dismissal of the lawsuit”.

More on the partnership:
Getty Images and Microsoft have announced ‘a new partnership to develop image-rich, compelling products and services for Microsoft products like Bing and Cortana.’ The two companies’ technology teams will partner to provide real-time access to Getty Images imagery and associated metadata to enhance the Microsoft user experience.
They say: “With our new partnership, Microsoft will use Getty Images’ latest API innovations and our award-winning visual content to take search experiences to a new level,” Getty Images Senior Vice President of Business Development Craig Peters said.
This collaboration enables Microsoft users to take full advantage of Getty Images’ speed to market, structured metadata and unrivaled content,” Microsoft Executive Vice President of Business Development Peggy Johnson said. “We look forward to working with Getty Images to provide the next generation of image depth and breadth for our users.”