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Getty Images V’s Shutterstock – the midstock ‘battle’ is on …well, almost over

LETS GO! Getty Images v’s Shutterstock …So, Bloomberg have been following and reporting on the up’s and downs of the first stock photo giant Getty Images for a couple of years now and the latest Bloomberg broadcast puts them in direct battle with the new guard like Shutterstock – here
Getty had a good ten years at the business – it was never going to sustain the market, prices went down, the business model progressed, the contributors got squeezed and then the agency started charging the publishers less ….never gonna work chaps.

So, those staying in the rights managed game for the long term are the photo agencies and libraries with original historical material and the entertainment photo agencies at the top of their game – they are all reporting real pounds per image. All good! …and good riddance to the chancers.

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