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Google agree to pay AFP ‘neighbouring rights’ under French law

Agence France-Presse and Google today announced an agreement on the remuneration of neighbouring rights under French law. This follows months of constructive negotiations within the framework set by the French Competition Authority. The wider partnership with AFP will also encompass other projects, including a program dedicated to fact checking, with more details to be shared soon.

Fabrice Fries, CEO of Agence France-Presse declares: “This agreement is a recognition of the value of information. This will contribute to the production of quality information and the development of innovation within the Agency. It illustrates the growing part that platforms are called upon to take in AFP’s activities, already supported by the very rapid development of digital investigation “

Sébastien Missoffe, Managing Director of Google France says: “This agreement with Agence France-Presse demonstrates our willingness to find common ground with publishers and press agencies in France on the topic of neighbouring rights. This partnership will further support the work of AFP and paves the way for even closer collaboration between our teams in the future. “

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