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GQ Photo Director ‘comedy moonlighting’ earns him additional new role at the mag

James – he’s been moonlighting!

Congrats to reader British GQ magazine Photographic Director James Mullinger who has been appointed Comedy Editor of the magazine, with effect from the forthcoming November issue, on sale now (click the cover above).
Dylan Jones, Editor of GQ comments, “Having moonlighted rather successfully as a standup comedian during his time at GQ, finally it’s official! James is very highly regarded on the comedy circuit, and this is a very well deserved promotion.”
James has been with the magazine for 14 years, rising from Picture Researcher to Photographic Director, the position he currently holds and will retain alongside his new role. In addition, he has been a critically acclaimed stand up comedian for the last 8 years. Currently touring his fifth solo show, James has been described as “something of a sensation” by the Evening Standard, while the Sunday Times commented he boasts the “verve of a future Michael McIntyre.” James will be editing the hugely successful and popular annual GQ comedy issue, which appears every April, as well as overseeing the monthly jokes pages.

James Mullinger adds, “Being officially appointed GQ’s Comedy Editor is a dream come true. Editing the first two comedy issues has been a joy – from directing Jerry Seinfeld to producing a sketch with Rob Brydon for our digital edition – I can guarantee they are going to get even better every year. I also hope it will give me more chances to plug my own stand up tour. Which is not yet sold out incidentally.“

James on
GQ photo director organises comedy event raises 3.5k for charity
• Tune in: Photoshelter live webinar GQ photo director wed 14th