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Image request: LNA copyright? ‘An Observer Corps control room’

Caption: ‘An Observer Corps control room which received reports from outlying observation posts. Information then passed to regional centres in direct touch with Fighter Command’ © LNA ?

A UK design agency are looking to license the above image for a client project, if you have the LNA (London News Agency) …drop me an email [email protected]

Hello Will,

I originally contacted the Daily Mail as the image was published in a book by them. They then pointed me to solo syndication, who in turn told me it was copyrighted to London News Agency, who are managed by PA. They have since checked their archives, and believe the image is owned by LNA. Mr Colin Panter at PA passed on your email address to me.
The details are that it was found in a book called ‘The Battle of Britain’ Photographs by the Daily Mail. Maureen Hill. A Paragon book, first published in 2003, second edition 2004. ISBN 1 40544 008 2, Page 30, top image.

We are looking for as much information as possible on this photo, along with a high resolution positional image. I have attached a screen shot of the photograph, and the caption within the book is ‘An Observer Corps control room which received reports from outlying observation posts. Information then passed to regional centres in direct touch with Fighter Command’.