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Industry People: Lee Wheatley dies aged 49 – colleague’s will be raising a drink to him Thursday

Lee Wheatley

Sad news reached the PAN news desk last week – the death of stock photo industry creative Lee Wheatley at the age of 49. No cause of death has been given at this time.

Lee started his photo licensing career as picture researcher at Mary Evans Photo Library 1995-1998, before moving on to a role in customer publishing at Story Worldwide. He then moved back into agency based roles as Creative Director at Photolibrary 2007 – 2011, and as Senior Art Director at Image Source 2011 – 2017.
Most recently he had been running his own creative agency Jacobel Creative. Lee is survived by his wife and two children.

Friends and colleague’s of Lee will be raising a drink to him this Thursday 11th April at the Queen’s Pub in Primrose Hill from 5:30pm. They welcome anyone who wishes to join them.

Remembering Lee:

Picture researcher Sarah Wells ‘I’m so shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of my first manager in my career. At times, he seemed strict and unreasonable, but I soon learned that he simply had strong values to instil and clear expectations to encourage the best from me. He taught me how to plan projects and budgets, present my research, commission shoots, and trusted me with autonomy over my own projects.
A true mentor. Thank you Lee Wheatley’

If you would like to leave a memory please use the comments box below or send it directly to me [email protected]

• Read an interview with Lee on his art direction at Image Source in 2013

• A JustGiving page has been set up by Lees’s brother with donations going to MIND the mental health charity. 


  • he was amazing

  • He was my wounderful and amazing son x

  • I am deeply saddened to learn of the untimely passing of my old pal Lee. I worked with him at Mary Evans Picture Library in the late 1990s. I have fond memories of my fellow Lancastrian workmate, who was ever the maverick. In those days he was ‘The Lee’ and he named me ‘Eds Mahoo’! We spent many a happy Friday lunchtime in ‘The Crown’ or ‘The Hare & Billet’ in Blackheath, putting the world to rights over the odd pint (or three). RIP ‘The Lee’, you were one in a million. Your old mate ‘Eds Mahoo’.

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