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iStockphoto sacks major contributing photographer – account closes in 30 days

Stock photographer Sean Locke reports on his blog: ‘Let’s get the important news out of the way first. On Friday, February 8th, I was given notice by Getty Images that they were terminating our “relationship” and my account at iStockphoto would be closed in 30 days. Well, that was a great way to end the week, eh?’ … ‘As one of the top 5 contributors at iStockphoto, having been there since August of 2004, with over 12,000 images and close to a million licenses sold, I thought I was a pretty valuable member of the community. …’
What Happened ? – read the full story here:

iStockphoto To Remove Images From Microsoft Office ASAP
‘Stocksy’ from the founder of iStockphoto… By invitation only