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Launched: Iconic – Getty Images’ Weighted Search on Editorial Images

Getty Images launched a new search function this morning across their rights managed editorial image library, including the archival images in the Hulton Getty collection. The function is called Iconic and it promises to return you a weighted image selection on your search. Selecting the Iconic button on a search makes use of millions of searchers performed over the collections by Getty Images customers and should return you some of their finest imagery.
The intro note on the site reads: ‘A new sort feature Iconic has been added to help you get more focused search results. Iconic displays the most popular images searched by our customers over time.’
A Getty Images spokesperson in New York told last night: ‘We are really thrilled about the rollout of ‘Iconic Search’, a new search sorting order going live on July 12. Iconic sort will allow visitors of (and other localized sites) to view search results based on the historic use of images matching the entered keyword. The more frequently used and accessed images over the history of the image will appear earlier in the search order and thus allow our customers, who are often on tight deadlines, to find the most relevant images faster. We hope this will be particularly helpful to customers using our Archival material and those using our API (Getty Connect) in new and creative ways.”

Click the Iconic button to test the new search function: