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Launched: New website at PhotoCuisine – includes images with written recipes

Stuart Cox, PhotoCuisine UK and USA’s Managing Director, dropped a note this week announcing his brand new websites: “The new websites offer our clients in the UK and USA a vastly improved search function, faster delivery and a more visually intuitive way to find new and exciting images from some of the world’s best food and drink photographers. We hope that our clients find the technological changes a useful addition to our great customer service and amazing collection”
Highlights include:
• Feature sets of images, images that have written recipes, and step by step series.
• Clients are able to easily search for feature sets of images, images that have written recipes, and step by step series.
• The new sites use a simple and innovative tab system on the home page and are much more intuitive.
• Clearly labelled thumbnails shows which images are new to the collection, added within the last week or last month.

Try the new sites and license the delicious images here in the UK and in the USA