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Launched: PicsaStock – smartphone photo & footage marketplace

Founded in February this year, Berlin start-up smartphone photo licensing platform PicsaStock is now live. Their goal is to create the largest marketplace for authentic footage and images for companies worldwide and returning 50% of sales rev to contributors. 1000 photos per day were being uploaded during the beta phase from pro photographers worldwide. By the end of the year PicsaStock anticipates more than 7 million images online.
They say: PicsaStock confirmes Andy Warhol ‘s prediction from the ’60s “In the future, everyone will be world- famous for 15 minutes.”
“In the future, every photographer has the opportunity to be world-famous even for longer than 15 minutes via PicsaStock!”, says foounder André Lutter. “The fact that my photos are purchased by international companies and used for online and print campaigns will not only increase the awareness of my photos but also my popularity as a photographer.” So far, around 14 billion photographs of 150 million smartphone photographers were uploaded on Instagram. The Time magazine used Instagram photos of smartphone photographers for their cover several times.