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UPDATED Found! Licence To Clear – Various images and photographers

First published Feb 22 2022

• UPDATE: A New York publisher is trying to locate the Karen Radkai estate to clear rights. – had an answer to this inside an hour of posting it! Thanks.

Also we have news on the image below – see note from the photographers family!

ABOVE IMAGES: The Daily Mail photo library are looking for photographer info: “These three pics of Violet Carson as Ena Sharples in April 1966 are credited in the ANL archive to J C Madden DM Manchester staff. I believe his name is/was John Madden, we have a few more of his photos in the archive – all Manchester/Liverpool related subjects. I am interested in any information about the photographer at all. We also have some pics, again in Manchester and the North, credited to C Madden from the 1930s and 40s – any relation?”

UPDATE 11 Aug 2022 – This from the Madden family. Thank you!
John Charles Madden (my father) took the above photos, and his father Charles Madden is the earlier photographer you mentioned.

He took many Corination Street photos over the year for the TV times and various news papers. He photographed the Beatles, he also took the first photos of the 1967 Stockport air crash, many of which were in the papers and used in the enquiry.

On the day of the Stockport Air Crash, our whole family were in the car, ready for a family day out at a vintage car rally (Dad was being paid to photograph), when Dad heard the phone ringing and quickly ran into the house to answer the call informing him of the plane crash. He came running out of the house, jumped into the car and drove hell for leather straight to the scene of the accident in Stockport. Where he leapt out of the car and started taking pictures.
So the whole family saw the dreadful carnage of the plane crash which at the time was the largest there had ever been, even though my mother – bless her – was trying to cover our eyes to stop us seeing the bodies of the crash victims, there were three of us all excited and trying to see what was happening so she had no chance 🙂
I was seven at the time but I still remember it well.

Dad took many great photos and was a gifted and hard working freelance photo journalist.

My Grandad- Charlie Madden – was picture editor for a few papers including I think the Daily Sketch, the Express and I’m fairly sure the Mirror.

He was a very demanding picture editor apparently, who was well known for rejecting any out of focus or poorly composed shots regardless of the subject matters importance. He wasn’t well loved by the photographers but he was respected (so I was told). I had a Saturday job as a messenger boy at the Sunday Mirror between 1976 and 1978 and many of the older guys had worked for my Grandad earlier in their careers and delighted in telling me what a total bastard he was to work for 🙂

Hope this info helps.

Mike Madden.

• ABOVE: A UK book publisher is searching for a portrait of East End gangster Charlie Knight – “We just need something on the lines of this” – above.

•  Author trying to trace photographer Mr John Kelly (1970’s) to clear image rights. UPDATED 2 May 2023: PAN reader Glenn Reuben has let us know John Kelly died in 2008. – more details can be found on this info thread here.

• The Early Pestalozzi Children Project are looking to clear photo rights for the project – I have found most through newspaper archives and the general PAN network – background on their website (PAN has already put the project in touch with the main news libraries on this)

• UPDATED – Book and car restoration project – images to clear: 1953 Earls Court Motor Show related to our PPPHP search for all press images of the car here.

• please send answers or Lightbox links to [email protected] and I will connect you with the customer.

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