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‘LightRocket’ the photographers web platform offering real image marketing

PAN reader, Yvan Cohen co-founder of LightRocket a web platform offering pro photographers a website, digital storage and stock sales, has been working hard at the marketing images from photographers signed to his platform.
Today he is showing off a new feature called ‘creative flow’ on LightRocket’s home page featuring license-ready creative photography from their subscribed photographers.
Yvan says: “There’s a section of our homepage we call the ‘creative flow’ because it includes links to some of the finest, and most creative, imagery in the LightRocket collection. Here’s a link to one of the showcases featured in the creative flow And while you’re at it why not grab a free account and take LightRocket for a spin!”
PAN likes the Faces selection

• Also announced this week – the launch of a new free membership plan, ‘a move which instantly opens up this popular platform to a broader pool of talented and passionate photographers around the world.’

↑ Click it – ‘Free membership includes 5GB of cloud storage, the ability to publish a collection of images on LightRocket’s commercial archive, a configurable portfolio website and a host of other professional media management tools designed to help photographers focus on better management and marketing of their work.’