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LNP bag classic – Vicky Pryce – prison van photos for blanket UK newspaper usages

Brilliant classic press photo work here from Ben Cawthra a photographer at one of Londons hardest working press agencies London News Pictures / LNP
Above is one of four seperate usages showing Vicky Pryce leaving court in a prison van after she was sentenced to 8 months in prison for perverting the course of justice.
Successful prison prison van interior shots are hard to shoot, the windows on the van are high up so you have to shoot the camera at arms length, ..and they are armoured plated and very thick so your need the right flash setting and the right angle to get a clear shot. The only thing on your side is a first time offender is usually never expecting a camera to appear at the window as they look out on their last journey for a while… – see all the usages here