Mega man – Ian Lawrence
Great news into the PAN office yesterday from David Leigh at The Mega Agency who was positively beaming when he called to deliver this update late last night from Miami –
Mega Agency photographer Ian Lawrence has been praised by the Metropolitan Police for the vital role he played in putting a notorious gang of moped thieves behind bars.
Lawrence, 44, was working outside London’s BBC Television Centre on May 4, when he spotted two scooters speeding towards him, with one of the passengers wielding a hammer – photo below.

EXCLUSIVE: Motorbike gang with hammers seen riding around near the BBC Broadcasting studios in a threatening manner and trying to steal pedestrians mobile phones. London. 04 May 2017 ©MEGA TheMegaAgency.com
He immediately grabbed his camera and captured the dramatic images that allowed police to identify members of the gang who carried out more than 100 phone muggings in a 16-day rampage across the capital. On Wednesday, gang members were jailed for more than 18 years.