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Museums Kunstpalast & Düsseldorf collection images now at Artothek

Munich based photo library ARTOTHEK is now representing, for licensing, images from collections at the museums Kunstpalast and Düsseldorf. The diverse collections feature paintings, sculptures, drawings and grapic art, photographies, applied arts and glass.
• The art gallery with a focus on Italian, Flemish, Dutch and German painting from the Renaissance to Classicism and German paintings of the 19th and early 20th Century, especially the Düsseldorf School.
• Modern Art with works from the 20th Century to the present day the graphic collection of 15 to 21 Century, especially Baroque drawings, 19 Century, expressionism and Photography.
• Sculpture and Applied Arts with a focus on sculpture of the Middle Ages, Gothic, Baroque and furniture from the 15th to 20 • Century, arts and crafts as well as Islamic and Southeast Asian art.
• The Hentrich Glass Museum with objects from Ancient Egypt to the present studio glass.
View and License the images here