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Updated offer: Zipcar – includes PAN readers FREE membership for a year

NEW offer: We are happy to announce that all Zipcar for Business members now have access to a permanent 15% off Flex cars! That means you’ll save 15% on all one way trips across central London compared to standard rates. Perfect for that quick delivery or to meet that important client. You still get up to 29% off Roundtrip vehicles as usual too.

In December 2018 PAN ran an article celebrating a great charity raffle fundraising evening by UK press photographers, one of the companies supplying a prize for the raffle was car and van hire company Zipcar. Zipcar noticed the article and contacted us …they wanted to advertise their hire service to PAN readers, pro photographers, photo agency staff and creatives …we said okay and they sent us the advert (see side of the home page and your newsletter) they also added a fantastic PAN reader deal and built us a great landing page
That’s all.  …Oh, and we approve of their sustainability ethos story, read it here: you say tomato, we say too many cars on the road…

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