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New CEPIC Board meets in Berlin – focuses on the 2014 Congress

The CEPIC committee in Belrlin: From left to right: Lars Modie, Anders Lusth, Pieter Doorman, Véronique Martingay, Alfonso Gutierrez, John Balean, Sylvie Fodor, Edith Stier-Thompson, Stefan Wittwer
Photo: Robert Schlesinger/ dpa

The new Board of CEPIC held their first committee meeting in Berlin on 20 September. The meeting was held at the offices of photo agency dpa in Berlin Mitte.
They say: Besides industry related topics such as the CEPIC image registry (CiR), CEPIC’s participation in the EU projects ARROW PLUS and RDI from the Linked Content Coalition or the present anti-trust procedures against Google, the discussions focused on the organisation of the CEPIC Congress in Berlin in June 2014, for which we anticipate the attendance of more than 600 participants from all over the world.
On 19 and 21 September 2013, visits of potential venues for the Annual Industry Party were organised. The Annual Industry Party is a major networking event of the Congress, is open to all Congress participants, and always takes place in an exclusive location in the host city.

Read our coverage and view the images from the 2013 Congress and the Party!