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New image batch available: 10K images – John Laing Collection

Historic England has released a new batch of digitised images from the John Laing Photographic Collection they look after.
The 21-month digital archiving was project supported by the John Laing Charitable Trust. Take a look.

• Collection Details: John Laing was a company that profoundly shaped post-war Britain. It constructed the country’s first major motorway, built outstanding sites of worship such as Coventry Cathedral, and created buildings which housed innovative forms of technology such as Berkeley Nuclear Power Station.
Throughout the lifespan of the company, photographers captured sites being built; these pictures now form the John Laing Photographic Collection. The photos provide a unique insight into the origins of iconic British buildings as well as the new modes of living they initiated. They exhibit a true kaleidoscope of British people, places and progress.

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