This IS a book, there was no ignoring it when it arrived at the offices this week! -496 pages, measuring 280 x 380 mm and weighing in at over 5 kg!- The book draws you to want to hold it just to get a feel of how and where you are going to land it before you open it. Every visitor to the office homed in on the book, lifted it, sized it up, then found a reading position and started viewing.
And Then There Was Silence is a thoughtful collection of photographs by war photographer Jan Grarup reminding us that the world out there is not all comfy coffee shops and shiny 4×4 cars …Death, hunger and poverty have filled war photographer Jan Grarup’s camera rolls over the past 25 years. With this, his most recent release, he aims to show the world what happens when the bombs fall and people are forced on the run: “The refugees’ stories are drowning in discussions about border bombs and whether they should be allowed to keep their wedding rings and mobile phones when en- tering our countries. I hope my pictures can break the stereorype and bring more compassion and re ection into in the debate”, he says.

And Then There Was Silence at the PAN office
‘And Then There Was Silence invites the reader into the world of war, hunger and poverty, that photographer Jan Grarup has been ca- tching through his lens for the past 25 years. A portfolio that has shaped Jan Grarup’s life and the world around him. The photos in ATTWS are carefully curated . They give the incomprehensible a face and pushes the viewer’s idea of what happens when the bombs fall and people are forced to escape. A message that seems urgent at a time when discussions about the regulation of the ow of refugees overshadow humanity and hope. Hope is Jans Grarup’s driving force and a thorough theme in the book. Jan Grarup takes you out in the worlds darkest corners but come home with images of people who play and live in bomb craters, hoping for a better future. With the book he asks the question: If people who have lost everything still retains hope how can we allow ourselves to give up?’
Jan’s friend Tom Tramborg -CEO at celebrity photo agency Mega- sent the book to the PAN office
We popped the book around our office neighbours – Kris, a jeweller – owner at Shiruba Tree

Kris taking a break from his tools to view And Then There Was Silence

Kris opening one of the in-book double pages
Thanks to Tom for sending the book in – Jan will be participating in the Bayeux photo festival next week where he will be doing a lecture as well as signing books.
The book is priced at USD 56 / EUR 4 for the regular edition – Prints from the book at USD 160 /EUR 135 all available here
Congrats on the book Jan!
[…] featured Jan Grarup’s book And Then There Was Silence in 2017, now you can watch him at work and […]
[…] of you can match …Mega Agency CEO, Tom Tramborg is joining 8 time World Press Photo winner Jan Grarup on a climb for charity up Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe. Together with a group of 14 […]