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UPDATED: New Photo Collective: Fractures Photo

1 Oct: A new photo collective – Fractures Photo – has launched based in Barcelona, Spain. Looks like three photographers but not much more info at the moment, hopefully they will send us a few details about the venture. Here:
UPDATE 3rd Oct: Photographer William Sands from Fractures Photo sent us this:
‘Hi Will, Thanks for the coverage of our new collective, on your website… unfortunately we didn’t have anything in our about us section when you posted your entry on your website. so i thought i’d get you something describing who we are and what makes us tick…’

Fractures Photo Collective was born in Spring 2011 and is primarily based out of Barcelona, Spain.   We created the collective with the belief that photography can be an effective tool in confronting systems of oppression and exploitation.  Through visually documenting individual struggles against social injustice, economic profiteering, and environmental degradation, we hope to raise public awareness about these issues and thereby contribute to a broader societal debate.
As individuals we’ve joined together in a collective because we believe horizontal organizational structures, and the collective process are critical in creating a praxis for tackling the complex world in which we live.  Both serve to challenge us as photographers to broaden our individual critiques and analysis.  The collective acts as a check and balance against individual protagonism, thus taking us beyond our subjective experiences and limits.  In short, the collective, is part of the world we seek to help construct.

To date the collective is made up of three professional freelance photographers; Guillaume Darribau, William Sands, and Anderson Barbosa