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Newspaper Published: Owen Harvey’s LA Lowriders feature made the Guardian today

Very pleased to see PAN reader, Photographer Owen Harvey, (see last year’s PAN interview) has a recent photo reportage published in the Eyewitness section of the Guardian newspaper today (above DPS) and online.

The usage is from Owen’s Ground Clearance photo project which he started in New York in 2016 and continued on the West Coast, LA this year, here’s the detail:

In the mid-to-late 1940’s a new subculture in America emerged. Mexican-American youths had been known to place sandbags in their custom vehicles so that the body of their car would ride close to the road. This was aesthetically pleasing for those involved in the scene and would later be technologically advanced with the same effect being achieved by hydraulics. 

Lowriding was formed out of Mexican-American culture, and the vehicles were decorated to hold political statements and sported images representing the culture from which it was born. As the years passed, and the 21st century began, Lowriding culture became extremely popular.  Often seen in popular music videos, the scene was embraced by cultures all around the world and has amassed huge global appeal. 
View and license Owen’s current features here.

Owen told PAN over the phone about his next photo project …looking forward to seeing that in print later this year!

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