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Notice: Photo Agency Supports Rett Syndrome Research – You Can Donate

UK based celebrity photo agency WENN is a strong supporter of a charity called The Rett Syndrome Research Trust they have asked their subscriber base to help with a small monthly donation to the trust. is widening that call to all our readers.

Rett Syndrome is a debilitating disorder which most often strikes previously healthy little girls just after they have learned to walk and say a few words and begins to drag their development backwards.

Girls lose normal movement and speech and are left unable to communicate or use their hands. Girls who have learned to walk often lose that ability as well. The loss of motor controls locks these girls into bodies that won’t work, leaving them without the ability to make purposeful movements.

Complications are many, including:

• Disordered breathing
• Severe digestive problems
• Difficulty eating, chewing and swallowing
• Orthopaedic abnormalities such as scoliosis and fragile bones
• Disrupted sleep patterns
• Extreme anxiety
• Seizures
• Impaired cardiac and circulatory function
• Parkinson-like tremors
• Sudden and unexplained death
There is no cure for Rett Syndrome.

However in 2007 researchers managed to reverse the symptoms in the laboratory and for the first time there is real hope that Rett Syndrome will become the world’s first curable brain disorder.

Please join us to help us change the future for these poor children and their families.

Click here or through the donation box below to make a one-off or monthly donation.

To read more about the work being done to help reverse this savage condition, please see:-