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Opportunity: ‘Someone to document, photographically, all Café Royal publications’

Cafe Royal Books are looking for someone to document, photographically, all pages from all previous Café Royal publications, for an online publicly accessible archive.
Owner Craig Atkinson says: ‘The person will also embed the publication details into the images meta data using Lightroom, and create a (re-orderable by date, author, title etc) list of publication details using Apple Pages or Numbers. You will be credited for your work but due to the nature of the content (being the work of other artists / photographers) will not be able to use the images for any other purpose with the exception of a small selection of the images on a website as an example of a commission undertaken, for example; and not without prior permission.
You will need access to a copy stand or similar and lighting. The images I would like will be the same format as is currently on the Café Royal website…But better! You will have experience of photographing books.

I hope to get this completed through summer. If you are interested please email me. Because there are so many books, IRO 200, I need someone UK based. Preferably North West but not essential. Your characteristics will include fussiness, obsessiveness and precision! I imagine a summer project for a student, post-grad, someone familiar with documenting the printed page, making lists…Someone who likes photobooks…

I would like to have this running by July – August, for completion September – October.
Interested? – Contact Craig here