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Peter Turnley CNN photo slideshow: Charlie Hebdo attacks – ‘Paris stands together’

© Peter Turnley

PAN reader photojournalist Peter Turnley who’s images of the Charlie Hebdo attacks march through Paris on the 11 January were chosen for CNN slideshows reporting the event.
Peter told PAN: “I was working independently and offered this package to CNN once the photographs were made. I’ve made over the course of several years several photo montages with my voice over for CNN. I maintain all rights to the photographs”

Click it ↑ Peter says: ‘I hope you’ll take a look at this CNN video, “Capturing the faces and feelings of Paris” of my photographs and words from yesterday’s march in Paris when millions of people stood together shouted no to terror and violence, and yes to freedom of expression, liberty, and democracy.’
For photographs of this historic moment, please see “Paris stands together”.

Peter is based in Paris.