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Peugeot-Citroën photo archives now exclusive with Photononstop

The French photo agency Photononstop -who were put in charge of the Roger-Viollet collection last year- have just added another giant French collection the Peugeot-Citroën photo archives or license and distribution.

The Peugeot Endowment Fund for the Memory of Industrial History recently partnered with Photononstop to distribute and market the contents of the “Terre Blanche” archives center.
Several thousand photographs, technical plans, sketches and other visuals are already available online. From old advertising posters to unseen style drawings, enjoy the discovery or memory of the treasures of this formidable industrial adventure which began in 1810.

• ‘The Terre Blanche archives centre preserves the traces of the activities of the PSA Group’s brands since their creation. This data centre founded under the name of “Peugeot Endowment Fund for the Memory of Industrial History”, and inaugurated in 2010, is chaired by Thierry Peugeot. Its mission, first initiated for the benefit of Peugeot, is now extending to each brand of the Group. The Terre Blanche teams collect, document and preserve tangible testimonies of over 200 years of industrial activity. All these data are available to researchers, professionals, collectors, etc.’

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