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Photo industry groups support music industry seeking review on UK private copying law

From the The British Photographic Council
UK photographers support music industry action seeking review of law to allow private copying
The British Photographic Council (BPC) has today (27Nov) publicly lent its support to the UK music industry in its action to seek judicial review of the government’s new copyright legislation, which came into effect on 1st October.

Members of the BPC have been expressing concern over the proposed changes to various Exceptions for almost 2 years and published a statement in May outlining the same concerns as those being raised by UK Music.

Like UK Music, the BPC fully supports the right of consumers to make copies of legally purchased photographic images or prints for their own personal and private use but agree that there must be fair compensation for the creators. BPC members also agree with claims that the UK government is out of line with EU law which requires “fair renumeration” for creators. The UK government is one of only 6 out of the 28 EU member states not to have implemented this compensatory scheme.

Members of the BPC include: British Association of Picture Libraries & Agencies (BAPLA), British Institute of Professional Photographers (BIPP), British Press Photographers Association (BPPA), Association of Photographers (AOP), Editorial Photographers UK (EPUK), Redeye, Royal Photographic Society (RPS), National Union of Journalists (NUJ)