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Photographer Events: Ideas Tap With Magnum & British Library

The energetic people at Ideas Tap in London are online with another couple of opportunities for young photographers one with Magnum Photos the other with the British Library. These will will appeal to the emerging photographers.

Magnum Showcase: CAMPAIGN
Magnum Showcase is an opportunity for photographers aged 16-30 to have a recent body of work reviewed by a Magnum photographer or senior staff member, showcased on IdeasTap’s website and followed up by some fantastic feedback and advice for the development of your work from the Magnum judge. This month’s theme is CAMPAIGN and entries will be judged by Magnum Photographer Bruce Gilden. Apply by 12 noon on 26 October

The Sound Edit: Wildlife
Photographers and filmmakers are invited to submit ideas for a sound-led multimedia project based on the British Library’s Sound Collection. 10 shortlisted creatives will each receive £500 to help them make their project, and the winner will receive £1000 and a screening at the British Library Spring Festival. Apply by 30 November