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Photojournalism Hub – End of Year Showcase – View the PAN selection

PAN has been a supporter of the Photojournalism Hub since the founder, photojournalist Cinzia D’Ambrosi, started the intuitive in 2018 which then became a Community Interest Company in 2021.

• Photojournalism Hub is a not for profit community group that uses Photojournalism to address and engage people to human rights abuses and social justice issues. It also connects Photojournalism to action for policy change by training individuals and organisations to expose social justice issues.

This year Cinzia asked PAN to review some of the members’ work featuring in the Photojournalism Hub End of Year Showcase. From a cracking submission of image sets sent in by a number of their worldwide members these two really caught my eye:

This work by Congo based photojournalist Justin Makangara and his coverage of the Cinema at the Holy Hill – the portrait shot of Ms Sylivie is just great!

Cinema at the Holy Hill: In the village of Malandji, Central Kasai province, Democratic Republic of Congo, the local community comes every weekend to watch a movie on the hill of Malandji, Catholic Parish, organised as an entertainment activity in the area where the inhabitants do not have access to a télévision.
The population of Kananga doesn’t have access to electricity in a country that has a larger dam for electricity production. The catholic priests of the community of Saint Maurice, support this community in the framework of cultural animation and youth entertainment. ©Justin Makangara
Cinema at the Holy Hill: Ms. Sylvie, a resident of Kananga, Democratic Republic of Congo, poses in front of a colonial building that was used for various purposes, including as a housing camp for teachers of a school dating from the colonial era. ©Justin Makangara

Cinema at the Holy Hill: Two women from the Kananga region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, dressed in their traditional loincloths, sit next to a cornfield for the celebration of March 8, 2021, when women around the world celebrate International Women’s Rights Day. ©Justin Makangara

This is powerful work from photojournalist Josue Cortez covering the conflict which has escalated between the government and the cocaleros due to the existence of an illegal market parallel to that of their institution in La Paz, Bolivia.

La Paz, Bolivia on August 10, 2022: A cocalero returns a tear gas grenade against riot police during the conflict in the Villa El Carmen area. (Peace) ©Josue Cortez
La Paz, Bolivia on August 10, 2022: Several cocaleros face off on a main avenue in Villa El Carmen with stones, waves, and dynamite against the riot police who prevent them from taking over the parallel market. ©Josue Cortez
La Paz, Bolivia on August 10, 2022: Afro-Bolivian coca grower Tomasa Medina tries to kiss a Bolivian Police officer during the ADEPCOCA (Departmental Association of Coca Producers) protests at the gates of the Ministry of Rural Development and Lands. ©Josue Cortez

View the full review on the Photojournalism Hub website.

• View our coverage of the Photojournalism Hub news on PAN.

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