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Photos: BAPLA celebrates 40 years with industry contributor awards …and great cake

BAPLA – the British Association of Picture Libraries & Agencies – held their 40th anniversary party at the Wellcome Trust offices in London last night. Members of BAPLA spanning the forty years since the founding of the trade association in 1975 gathered together at the Wellcome Trust after the BAPLA AGM to celebrate the industry and the people involved.
“BAPLA’s success was largely due to volunteers from a dedicated membership passionate about images and the many, many people who have contributed over the years” said current BAPLA Chairperson, Isabelle Doran of Loupe Images.
Alan Smith (top left) of Topfoto one of the founders of BAPLA who sat on the first board gave a speech and was later given an award for his outstanding contribution to the industry. Paul Brown (top right), Managing Director of Mary Evans Picture Library and Ardea, also received an award for his outstanding contribution to the BAPLA Executive Board on which he sat for thirty years, six as Chairman. BAPLA was also delighted to welcome Frank and Elizabeth Selby (bottom left above), founders of Rex Features who are now both in their nineties, to the celebration and to thank them for their support of BAPLA over the years.” ….and a great looking cake was shared by all!

Alan Smith cutting the BAPLA 40th anniversary cake with Isabelle Doran, current BAPLA Chairperson from Loupe Images.

• All photos © Paul Brown