The press photographer position early morning Windsor …any position!
Press photographers and photo agencies have been preparing almost as long as the Palace has for the Royal Wedding today at Windsor so we thought we’d celebrate a few of their vantage points with you. more soon as we get them .. send yours to [email protected]

Photographer James Watkins is in position for photo agency Backgrid

the Backgrid agency early morning view

Above: Not able to photograph himself at the front row Trevor dropped us this note on his position and clothing for this great shot of the bride:
Hi Will,
I arrived at 4am on the morning of the wedding to secure a front row position on the Long Walk. By standing on a step and wearing a bright pink t-shirt, I made sure I got the bride’s attention as she looked right down my lens! Unfortunately Harry was busy waving to the crowds on the other side!
Trevor Adams Matrix Media
Above: Photographer Brad Page shooting for the Daily Mail today was one of the first to share his position sent us this …good spot!
Above: Photographer Brad Page shooting for the Daily Mail today was one of the first to share his position sent us this …good spot!
above: ABACAPRESS staff photographer Lionel Hahn in position for the wedding on the First Row!
Freelance photographer Jose Gegundez from his position above above caught this shot of the Bride and then the Groom below

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex during Carriage Procession after the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, Berkshire, United Kingdom